Thursday, June 28, 2007

Still Raining, Still Dreaming

June, and it feels like April! After such a long break from blogging, we've gone from a hotter-than-July April to a cold, wet, windy June.

Apologies for the delay between blogs, but I have been really really busy on my mysterious music project. The project is pretty much ready to go now, thank goodness, and I hope it will be worth the wait. I've put so much effort into it now, and I'll be overjoyed to see it reach fruition. Hopefully by my next blog I'll be able to reveal all!

In the meantime, all the sun and rain have had a dramatic effect on the garden, as you can see by comparing this picture of the vegetable patch with the one from the last blog:

We've been harvesting a courgette a day, eaten lots of spinach (it has bolted now), plenty of lettuce, and one cherry tomato! There are plenty of tomatoes on the way, but they haven't ripened yet. I've particularly enjoyed watching the cucumber growing - it was gaining a foot a week at one point! The cucumbers went from these teeny little things:

to these corkers:

I'm off work today as I was taking delivery of a new toy - a rather lovely 5 string fretless bass. I'm very excited about this, as it adds another colour to my sound pallette, one I've been wanting for years. As such, I hope you'll understand if I keep this short and sweet, and head off to play with it. Then I'm having home-grown salad for lunch!