Tuesday, May 09, 2006


The title says it all really. The greenhouse went up on Friday. I'm really pleased with it, and very excited at the possibilities that it presents.

As you can see, the compost bin is now firmly in place, and is getting stuffed full of smelly bits.

I spent all day Saturday putting up the greenhouse staging, and on Sunday we pricked out lots of seeds. The Squidlings were reluctant to help at first, but soon got involved. It wasn't long before they were lost in concentration over their seedlings, being careful not to break the roots. We now have trays of wallflowers and dahlia. The delphiniums and nicotiana aren't quite big enough yet for pricking out.

I also planted two tomato plants, two courgettes, a capsicum and a cucumber in grow bags in the greenhouse. I don't remember grow bags being quite so smelly when my parents used them. A definite whiff of the farmyard! Unfortunately I don't have any photos of the greenhouse as it is now, with all this extra staging and greenery. I'll try to get one for next time. I do, however, have a photo of the new hedge, which is beginning to sprout and look less like a row of twigs.

What a lovely evening it was when I took those pictures. Next time I hope to bring you a bit more of my recent music. I think I may have even fixed my crackle/pop recording problem!


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